285 posts
When I arrived at around 8:00 I found Tom and Humberto at the nest. No eagles had been seen. Carolyn arrived and we searched the the area....still no sightings of eagles. We had to settle for a cute black bunny and a big iquana with a smaller one near the gate on 208th.
Al and his wife arrived as we decided to take a break in the median shade. Al departed and Mark arrived (who surprised Tom by saying that he had seen the mysterious 5th eagle the day before Tom.) Now no more kidding Tom that he came up with "funny photos!" Really...we never doubted you, Tom!
As we all were gathering our stuff to leave, Tom and/or Carolyn saw an eagle flying very high that was a juvenile. A few minutes later there was a lot of calling from the maleleucas and 2 beautiful hawks (red shouldered?) came flying from that area right in front of us fairly low...paralleling the road, calling the whole time. Soon they were joined by a third flier and it was Justice, who flew low with them, circling the area and then soared high with his new friends. They flew off together to the east and we lost sight of them. We were glad Justice found new flying partners as we haven't seen him with Hope in a while!