Saturday 4/25, Morning 9-11 AM

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Saturday 4/25, Morning 9-11 AM

Saturday morning found higher winds at the nest.  Hope and Justice were happy to sit tight and peak out of the nest.  Later, a parent was spotted in the back and Justice left the nest.  Justice came back to the nest for a short time and left again.  Hope stayed for about 5 more minutes and until she decided she must stretch her wings.  The two played in the air over the dead trees to the right.  Justice came to rest in the  trees and Hope returned to the nest.  Trisha, Smith, Melissa and Randy were there for this time period.
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Re: Saturday 4/25, Morning 9-11 AM

Great first post you guys! It's so helpful to have more eyes on the nest by such good reporters. (I think this was your first post?)