285 posts
I arrived back at the nest at 4:30 pm when the skies had cleared. Justice was back in the same pine east of the nest where I saw him in the am. Tom and I watched him perched there, quiet, but looking in all directions very attentively. He changed positions and directions frequently. He flew back to the nest several times and stood there for a short time and then returned to the same perch. Finally at 6:10 he flew back to the nest and got down and rested.
At 6:25 an adult made a fast food drop and then flew to the pine under the wires, left of the nest. Justice ate the small meal VERY quickly and then started calling loudly to the parent perched nearby. That did not seem to get the adults attention so Justice flew to the same branch and the adult took off to the maleleucas. Justice left shortly after and flew to the maleleucas, not near the adult, who was closer to US27. Justice was perched on a favorite dead tree just west of the woods, where he was joined by Hope at 7pm. It was awesome to see them back together in the dead pine...Justice on the top and Hope on a lower dead branch. I studied them for a while and as the sun went below the horizon I headed home as I was the lone watcher and darkness was fast approaching.