Summer Bald Eagle sightings, anywhere in Florida?

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Summer Bald Eagle sightings, anywhere in Florida?

Barb Walker shared this video, saying that she loved it, and hopes that we do, too. She also is interested in hearing about any summer sightings:

We have seen 1 Bald Eagle in Pinellas County in July.  Please let me know if you have see any Bald Eagles in July.  I miss them.


Barb Walker
Palm Harbor, FL

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Re: Summer Bald Eagle sightings, anywhere in Florida?

Wayne Murphy
Just wanted to let you know that we just saw a bald eagle. We live in south florida in Pompano Beach. We were driving through a local park, turned a corner and there he was in the grass by a lake. Once he saw us he flew away. This is the 1st bald eagle I have ever seen and it was amazing!