The Bald Eagle nest near our home in NE Illinois

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The Bald Eagle nest near our home in NE Illinois

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This Bald Eagle nest is only about one mile from our second home in North Aurora, Illinois. The nest tree is on private land, located in the middle of the athletic field parking lot on the campus of Mooseheart Child City and School. The marked parking spaces go right up to the trunk of the tree. This seems not to have bothered the eagles, as they have returned to the same nest for a second breeding season. This year there are three eaglets. The oldest appears to be about 4-5 weeks old.

Coincidentally, as is the case with the Pembroke Pines nest which was the first active nest recorded in Broward County, this nest is the first known active nest in Kane County. Last year the pair relocated from their first nest, on the Mooseheart campus about a half mile away. That nest, first occupied i 2009, was destroyed in a wind storm. Happily both eaglets were successfully rehabilitated and released to the wild.

It is such a thrill to have these two "pioneer" nests so close to each of our homes.

Bald Eagle nest 20140521

Eagle Nest and Parking Lot pano 120140521

Eagle Nest and Field House pano 20140521

Bald Eagle and eaglet Mooseheart 20140521

Mooseheart three eaglets 20140521

Bald Eagle Mooseheart 2-20140521

Newspaper articles:



Story and video about recovery of the grounded nestlings, construction of an artificial nest (which failed) and their eventual rehabilitation and successful release.

If video does not display below this space, please visit this link: