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No eagles were seen thursday morning during my visit. When I arrived Al and Trisha were already there and hadn't seen a thing.  However at 4:45pm Justice was roosting on a branch way above the nest being  harassed by mocking bird. I left to look for the Sandhill Crane off Sheridan street and I found them in a Field next to the Chapel Trail Preserve took a few photos and then returned to the eagle nest.
I found Justice in the same location. At 6:46pm he flew off to the west and landed in the one maleleuca trees. The mocking bird harassment continued and he flew off to the east. I suspected he might go to the area around the gate that is used by the police to access the shooting range. I found him at the the next right turn at the end of 208 ave where he was at the top of a Pine Tree (west side of road)having trouble with his balance.
Also to Justice's dismay it was now the grackles that were tormenting him he stayed there a while till he no longer could take it and flew west. I found him at the nest tree again on the same branch. I heard another eagle calling and then Justice flew off again to the west so I went to the maleleucas. I guess he landed on one of them because he was just flying off to the  south when I got there. I spotted an eagle  way in the back I thought it was Jusitice but it turned out to be one of the adults.
So we now know from Kelly's blog and my blog that the eagles are still here.
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Re: Thursday

Awesome, Mark, that you saw Justice and an adult. Justice would have been totally missed if you would not have been there. (I'm kicking myself for not getting to see him.) The eagles sure are not done hanging around the nest woods yet! Your description of the activity was really fun to read...thanks so much for posting your great info.

Carolyn and I went back to the nest around 8pm last night for a quick check and found 1 adult in the same position that you saw it earlier. It was still sitting about mid way back in the maleleucas at 8:05pm, facing south with its back to us.
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Re: Thursday

Trisha snookster is Smith not Mark
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Re: Thursday

My bad, Smith. I'm really sorry! I just figured it was Mark since he stayed when we went to the boardwalk area and said he would post anything he saw. I didn't know you were going back to the nest yesterday when we left the boardwalk.

Your post is awesome....really great description of Justice's activity. And of course the most important thing...if you wouldn't have been there we wouldn't know Justice is still comes to the nest woods! From now on we all know who Snookster is!