No eagles were seen thursday morning during my visit. When I arrived Al and Trisha were already there and hadn't seen a thing. However at 4:45pm Justice was roosting on a branch way above the nest being harassed by mocking bird. I left to look for the Sandhill Crane off Sheridan street and I found them in a Field next to the Chapel Trail Preserve took a few photos and then returned to the eagle nest.
I found Justice in the same location. At 6:46pm he flew off to the west and landed in the one maleleuca trees. The mocking bird harassment continued and he flew off to the east. I suspected he might go to the area around the gate that is used by the police to access the shooting range. I found him at the the next right turn at the end of 208 ave where he was at the top of a Pine Tree (west side of road)having trouble with his balance.
Also to Justice's dismay it was now the grackles that were tormenting him he stayed there a while till he no longer could take it and flew west. I found him at the nest tree again on the same branch. I heard another eagle calling and then Justice flew off again to the west so I went to the maleleucas. I guess he landed on one of them because he was just flying off to the south when I got there. I spotted an eagle way in the back I thought it was Jusitice but it turned out to be one of the adults.
So we now know from Kelly's blog and my blog that the eagles are still here.