Tues 4/14 11-12:30

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Tues 4/14 11-12:30

Not much happened here after Trisha left around 11AM. Both kids were hunkered down in the nest til about 11:30, when they each flew off towards the dead trees. I walked down and found one of them way back in the trees, preening. While watching, the sibling flew in, and landed directly below. They were still there when I left. I met Steve and his wife (short term memory loss - I forgot her name.) We talked for a bit about how wonderful this all is. I showed them where the kids were hiding.
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Re: Tues 4/14 11-12:30

Steve and Annie live quite near the nest. They have a Mac computer that
cannot get the Forum, so they often call me with their reports.

Ken Schneider
Miramar, Florida & North Aurora, Illinois

Web site: http://www.rosyfinch.com
Eagle Nest: http://www.rosyfinch.com/BaldEagleNest.html
Blog: http://blog.rosyfinch.com
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/rosyfinch 

"Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli)

Carolyn (via Nabble) - No Reply wrote:

> Not much happened here after Trisha left around 11AM. Both kids were
> hunkered down in the nest til about 11:30, when they each flew off
> towards the dead trees. I walked down and found one of them way back
> in the trees, preening. While watching, the sibling flew in, and
> landed directly below. They were still there when I left. I met Steve
> and his wife (short term memory loss - I forgot her name.) We talked
> for a bit about how wonderful this all is. I showed them where the
> kids were hiding.
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