Two Adults on nest tree around noon today 5/25/09

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Two Adults on nest tree around noon today 5/25/09

We visited for about a half hour around noon today, and found two adults. One was roosting on the limb about 6 feet above the nest, and the other was on the nest. The latter appeared to be eating. There was no sighting of the youngsters. Just as we left, one of the adults lofted into the sky in a southwesterly direction.

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Re: Two Adults on nest tree around noon today 5/25/09

Glad to read that the eagles were around the nest. I got there around 8am and found Carolyn and Tom by the maleleucas where they had spotted an adult and 1 juvenile very far back in the same tree- the adult above and the juvenile below. Fernando arrived a while later and at 9:10 the adult flew away, followed later by the juvenile. We observed no activity in the nest or surrounding favorite perches.

I tried to post when I arrived home around 11am and I couldn't get on the forum. There was just a blank, light blue screen.

We saw a pretty bird, a very bright rust color across the entire top body and a white belly speckled or somewhat lined with brown. Carolyn thought it might be a brown thrasher and when I got home and looked it up she was correct! When you're not focused on 1 of the eagles, it's amazing what else you can find.