Two eagles on nest-10-26-18

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Re: Two eagles on nest-10-26-18


Update for 12.1.18 got there at 7am saw the pair in the nest, a truck maybe a town or park truck drove right under the nest so the pair flew to the back snag waited 20 mins then returned to the nest. Very cloudy day but you can see the female fixing up while the male watches. Planning to go back tomorrow around 7;30am.

A state trooper came by thinking I needed help was very nice and interested in the eagles so if any police stop by just let them know you're monitoring the eagle nest not a problem ti be there as long as it's not all day

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Re: Two eagles on nest-12-1-18

Great photo and update!  Glad to read about your experience with the trooper.  I am super nervous when on the side of the road and feel more at ease knowing this information.  Thanks, Sally
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Re: Two eagles on nest-12-1-18

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HI Sally,  When cops stop by they just want to make sure you're not lost or stranded and just explain you're a volunteer monitoring the eagles and visual observation and documentation is needed to ensure the eagle's safety (which in case there is road work or construction planned the photos are important to document endangered nesting wildlife) I also said we will let other observers know not to harass or get close to them or post online about where, when the nest and chicks are to keep them safe. The officer was a state trooper and i said i would be there on the weekends around sunrise for about 40 mins and he said that's fine no problem. Don't be nervous lol. So far every day I'm there or drive by it's been dark and cloudy waiting for a sunny day.

Doesn't look like they have eggs yet I haven't seen either sitting in the nest they are still fixing it up