We were out early, arriving at 7:00 AM and observing the nest until 7:55. For the first ten minutes there was light drizzle. It was overcast, breezy and the temperature was a cool 59 degrees. When we got there, an eagle was roosting on one of the melaleuca snags west of the "Eagle Forest." Within minutes, it flew towards us and passed between our position at the "End School Zone" sign and the nest, continuing east and then turning to the south, disappearing along 208th Avenue. For the first 25 minutes we saw no sign of the other bird, but were quite confident that it was incubating the eggs. Sure enough, it finally poked its head up a few times. We had never seen the pair exchange incubation duties, and we hoped that this would be the day, but the bird on the nest remained low and alone until we finally departed. We heard no vocalizations. The traffic was moderate to light, as today was a school holiday and no buses were delivering students to the high school.