eagle sighting sunset lakes revisited

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eagle sighting sunset lakes revisited

Lisa baumbach Reardon,
just wondering of any eagles are still being spotted at Susnet lakes?? maybe the rain and heat has driven them away??
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Re: eagle sighting sunset lakes revisited

I just posted a response to your other thread "breaking new".   sorry, I've be on travel for 10 days, just got back.
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Re: eagle sighting sunset lakes revisited

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you earlier, Linda, but lightning and the storms put the computer into sick bay for a few days. I think I know where you are talking about with the dirt road. Carolyn and I went on a wild goose (eagle) chase a few weeks ago and finally did spot the lighthouse, but from a distance. We were by a little park/playground and the lighthouse was far in the distance surrounded by water, I think. No eagle was present, but maybe we can try again. Glad you're home from your travels and looking out for the eagles again. Let us know if they are still around.