saturday evening report- no eagles found

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saturday evening report- no eagles found

Lisa baumbach Reardon,
I was at the nest site from 6-7pm Saturday-  at @ 6pm- a big storm went through- by about 6:40pm- the storm had cleared up and it was sunny by 7pm- but no eagels cited in the whole nest area. I even drove South on US 27 and came back around thinking they might be in the South part, but not there.

Carolyn was also there (nice to meet you!) from 6:30pm- 7pm- she said that she and Trisha had been there earleir in the morning and also had not seen any activity today.

By the way, Carolyn, I went to where you said the Sandhill Cranes were- but not there- and the Chapel Nature trail was closed do to late hour.

With the way these storms move in and out in the afternoon, it's very hard to predict when/where we might see our furry friends.