I have spoken with Brian Meale tonight- whcih was quite reassuring- both he and Fish and Wildlife are on top of the situation,and if the chick is not seen in the morning (Ken- it makes me glad to know you will be there first) - he should be called again with Fish and Wildlife and they will likley do a more detailed search tomoorrow.
Brian said that he this is very much part of he growing up process for the birds- many times the parents will try to entice the fallen chick to make it back to the nest, by trying ot get it to fly up the tree or feeding the other chick and creating survival instincts- Brian felt there were not that many real natural predators in the area for the eaglet, and the parents will likley stay close in this situation. He said eagles are very good parenst, and have alot invested in having these eaglets make it through.
We'll know more in the morning- for those of you who believe in prayers, please say one.
Many thanks to all those that care so much!