Wednesday 05-27-09, 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Posted by
Mike Fossler on
May 28, 2009; 2:48am
Spent an hour today at the nest - lucky to be between the raindrops. When I arrived only one young eagle was home, perched a branch or two above the nest. Soon though, the eaglet flew out to an Australian Pine right in front of me - just west of the nest tree and right in front. The other small birds began to harass the young eagle. At least three different types of birds joined in - bluejays, mockingbirds and grackles. After enduring this for a half hour or so, the young eagle flew back to the nest tree. I loaded a handful of photos to my flickr page, below are a few of the shots showing the perch, a shot showing three harassers, some aerial attcks and chases.