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Hope to see eagle(s) in Ohio

Posted by Carolyn J on Jun 28, 2009; 11:28pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/Hope-to-see-eagle-s-in-Ohio-tp3171685.html

Boy, I sure have been missing the eagle family of Pembroke Pines! It made me appreciate other birds in ways I never had before. Even my front yard mockingbird nest is seen through new eyes. Hearing the babies call the parents reminds me of the wonderful, loud call of the eaglets. Also, seeing the different ways the adults feed the young in a variety of different species.
Yep, it's the little things in life we need to appreciate, and I do.
I'll be in Ohio on vacation next week. I did see an adult bald eagle north of Toledo last year. Also, a nest not too far from Bowling Green, OH. Hope to see something this trip, too!