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Re: More Osprey Deaths on Florida's Gulf Coast

Posted by NewMexiKen on Jul 16, 2009; 2:41pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/More-Osprey-Deaths-on-Florida-s-Gulf-Coast-tp3235514p3268358.html

Barbara Walker provided this sad update and photos concerning the Ospreys in Pinellas County:

The Osprey have had a very tough year in this county.  A concerned citizen
reported that an Ospreys nesting tree was cut down.  The Osprey had 2 young.
The first chick was hit by a car the day he/she fledged or pre-fledged.  The
second was still being brought fish by parents but had taken at least a
first flight as I understand it.  The concerned citizen called law
enforcement and submitted photos.  They took pictures because they told the
people ahead of time that a permit was required.  Neighbors confirmed the
tree was cut down anyway.  Since the incident the Osprey have been in
distress and are confused by the loss.  Losing a baby and a house in a short
time frame doesn't make for a good season.  The nest was in a palm tree.  If
you remove a nest a replacement pole and platform are supposed to be put up
within 300 feet of the original nest and at least the same height,
preferably higher depending on the environment.

We expect to follow up with the State Attorney's Office later this week.
There are a lot of people and a lot organizations out there trying to follow
the rules and there are some that aren't.  Osprey are large birds and they
do need a good amount of space including nesting structures, perch trees and
fishing territories.  When a nest falls, even by natural causes, Osprey can
become unproductive the next season while shopping for new real estate. One
pair I monitored was not successful adapting from a dead tree which fell on
a golf course to a light standard the year after the tree went down. Others
seem to find a new place easily, not always in the next property owners
favor.  If they follow the rules they could get stuck with the bill if
another move is necessary.

I am so glad there are so many concerned citizens out there.  Thanks again
for all you do.

Barb Walker