[[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 4:43 PM
To: [hidden email]; [hidden email];
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Cc: [hidden email]; [hidden email];
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Subject: Pelican Island Audubon President's Letter
I hope that other Audubon group leaders
will make a
recommendation to their members as well.
Joyce Tarnow, FHD Volunteer Voting For
Amendment 4 The President's
Hoot |
Are you as confused as I am about how
to vote for Amendments and Judges? I
usually do not know anything about
Judges except to stay away from them
locally. But when amendments are
strongly supported for or against by
developers and politicians, I take
notice. Opportunity knocks. Amendment
4, also known as the “Florida Hometown
Democracy” Amendment has been on the
PIAS radar screen for some time. It
simply states on the ballot “Establishes
that before a local government may adopt
a new comprehensive land use plan, or
amend a comprehensive land use plan, the
proposed plan or amendment shall be
subject to vote of the electors of the
local government by referendum,
following preparation by the local
planning agency, consideration by the
governing body and notice. Provides
definitions.” Amendment 4 only applies to
changes to the comprehensive land use
plan (the overall growth management
blueprint) and not to the
more frequently decided individual
development approvals, re-zonings, or
variances. This means that before any
change can occur in the current land use
of our county and city lands, the voters
will have a chance to approve or deny
that change. The Fl. League of Cities, the Fl.
Association of Counties and the Fl.
Chamber of Commerce are opposed.
According to the New York Times, the
opposition has raised $12 million to
defeat the amendment. KB Homes and
Pulte Homes gave more than $1 million.
However, there are over 100
organizations supporting it
including many Audubon chapters, Sierra
Club of Florida, Save The Manatee Club,
and Native Plant chapters, Friends of
and taxpayer groups, and many other
environmental organizations. Amendment 4 vote:
Should the people have a say in
determining whether their government’s
comprehensive land use plan could be
changed with a simple majority vote of
commissioners or city councils? If you
think not, like most developers and
politicians, then vote against Amendment
4. If you think you want more of a say
in crafting our county and city land use
changes, then vote Yes to Amendment 4.
If Amendment 4 is enacted, we could have
more careful planning from staff and
politicians if they know that all voters
will be reviewing and approving major
changes in our comprehensive land use
plans, not just developers. Contrary to some who think our county’s
comprehensive land use plan includes
other things than land use, Amendment
4 is very clear, that only if the land
use part of the comprehensive plan is
changed will it require a referendum
vote. Why should changes be
made to the comprehensive land use plan
without voter approval? This is our
community! Critics of Amendment 4 say it will just
be another layer needed for approval and
that it will be costly to get the
voters’ view. I say, based on
experience, we do need another layer of
approval and the cost will be less than
all the poorly funded and unfunded
inadequate infrastructure and impacts
(crowded schools, roads, police,
libraries, and now even the lifeguards)
of our out of control development.
Indian River County’s over development
with “backdoor subdivisions” have
drained these community services. Our
“busted subdivisions” with their empty
houses, huge inventories, vacant lots,
bankruptcies and foreclosed homes, have
not paid for it. If an emergency change
is needed, I am sure the community
voters will approve it. In the last six
years, Indian River County has had only
22 future land use amendments:
Averaging less than 4 per year. Growth management in Florida is
not working. Our natural
areas are being ruined and our waters
polluted. Even though Amendment 4 is
not perfect, it could start the process
of change that is needed in the way we
do business in Florida especially as the
teeth have been taken out of the
Department of Community Affairs (the
state watchdog for development) through
budgets cut to the bone, and the State
Legislature may even eliminate it next
year (like our commissioners recently
disbanded many citizen advisory
committees). The DCA has done the most
to keep Florida’s growth under control,
and the Florida Legislature wants to
reduce its effectiveness. In addition,
the Supreme Court has allowed our big
corporations to pour money to candidates
for elected office and thus our out of
state developers will be even stronger
in their influence with our local and
state politicians. We need to work together as a
developers, environmentalists,
educators, service providers, and
citizens to balance population growth
with sustainable resources. We need a
common vision of what we want for
quality of life where developers can
help make our community ideal for us
all, so we all benefit. A strong vote of
support on Amendment 4 will at the very
least send a clear message to county and
state officials that we citizens are
deeply concerned about balancing
population growth with sustainable
resources. Conclusion: Who do you want to control
our growth – you or the developers? Please vote FOR Amendment 4. [hidden email],
President |
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