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Not sure thi is the right place for this. Ken, please move or delete if it's not.

Posted by Jill W on Jan 16, 2014; 1:29pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/Not-sure-thi-is-the-right-place-for-this-Ken-please-move-or-delete-if-it-s-not-tp7573333.html

My mother passed away on 12/4/2013.  I fell on 12/13 and have one broken bone and one fractured one (bone is between shoulder and elbow-  can't remember the name of it).  Surgery was required to put in two plates and the screws/bolts to hold it together.  Thank goodness it is my left arm.  Just started driving yesterday.