Any recent status reports on Palm Springs North Nest ( Was DA941, now DA004) ?
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Jan 12, 2016; 1:29pm
Phil Martin reported that he was at the NW Miami nest last Sunday morning (January 3) and saw no activity. He writes:
"Based upon the activity I have observed, I believe they do have egg(s) and are incubating them. Their nest is huge and very deep and it's difficult to see through the sticks. They get low and can't be seen. One day I was watching, didn't see anything until they both popped up."
If anyone has a chance to observe the nest (best done just across the street from nest, on the east side of NW 87 Avenue at corner of 181 Street). From Miami Gardens Drive go south on NW 87 and take the first left (to the east) and find parking there. Walk to the NE corner of 87 & 181).