Re: Nestorations (Nestruction) in Deerfield
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Nov 16, 2019; 9:36am
Great news! They found an excellent tree with a substantial crotch, which is unusual in an Australian Pine, which usually sends up a single leader trunk. Bald Eagles naturally favor the flat tops of many mature native pines.
A few years ago I could not get any traction for my idea of topping off several younger Australian Pines in the vicinity of the Pembroke Pines nest. This would cause them to send their vigor into side branches and thus create platforms for breeding eagles (and possibly Ospreys) in the event that their nest trees were felled by a hurricane. This is just the kind of structural result I was hoping for. However, municipal arborists shot it down, saying it would be "unhealthy" for the trees. Also there was fear that it would make new areas unavailable for development because the birds would be protected from disturbance.
Hey! Australian Pines are "weeds" and quite hardy as well. Really thinking this would be feasible in suitable habitat, especially in existing Bald Eagle territories. Better than cell phone towers.
This year it is "nestruction." Next year and for many more years lets hope it is "nestoration."