June 13 & 14: Both eaglets and adults present
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Jun 14, 2020; 7:30pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/June-13-14-Both-eaglets-and-adults-present-tp7575575.html
Phillip Martin obtained some nice photos at the nest. He writes (June 14):
All good news. Yesterday (June13) the Male Eaglet put on a short air show. He flew from the nest over Pines Blvd. and to a perch on a tree to the east of the nest. After a while he made another loop and returned to the nest, all while his sister was watching. Of course, I wasn’t quick enough to get flight pictures but here is a pick of each of the perching.

Luis was at the nest around noon and both Pride and the adult female were there. I haven’t seen her in several weeks.
I was at the nest today, Sunday at 11:00 only the male Eaglet was there on the perch above the nest.