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Re: Whole family doing good

Posted by Stylechick60 on Feb 19, 2021; 9:12pm
URL: http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.17.s1.nabble.com/Whole-family-doing-good-tp7575870p7575871.html

Oh my gosh!!!  These are magnificent photos!!!
Beautiful family 🥰❤️

Thank you!

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2021, at 2:44 PM, naturegirl [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:

 Got there around 10 only stayed about 30 mins. Dad was in the nest with a food drop while mom was perched.  dad flew off to the back tree and after a few mins the 3 eaglets became active.

You can see at 5 weeks they look more furry then feathery

You can see all 3 and how even with just 1-2 days difference in age which is the oldest (R) and youngest (Middle)

You can see the eaglets molting from grey fuzz to brown feathers

All 5 best viewed with a magnifying glass

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