Re: Nest Information
Posted by
NewMexiKen on
Dec 22, 2023; 1:46pm
I had to stop observing the Pembroke Pines nest back in October, 2021 due to health problems. I moved to Connecticut three months later. A local resident and long time nest watcher provided an update about the past two nesting seasons as well as the present status of the nest:
It has been a while since I updated you.
Last season ended with the nest totally collapsing one eaglet perished and I believe the other eaglet did survive and depart the area.
This year has been eventful:
Pride perished. He never returned this season.
Jewel has a new mate. He appears to be a young male.
They had a great deal of difficulty building a nest. The nest is **** (out in the open). Sadly there are many photographers visiting the nest. Many that only care about getting photos. I have counted as many as 40+ photographers in one morning. All within 50’ of the nest.
I can’t believe the nest hasn’t fallen. It is on a branch that doesn’t appear too sturdy. We have been having some wind and rain the past several days. The nest has sustained some damage but not to bad. I will go by on my way to church this morning.
I haven’t heard any chatter about the city selling the land.
Based on the behaviors yesterday, I think???? Jewel has laid an egg.