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APR 16: Eaglet and female present, but where is male?

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APR 16: Eaglet and female present, but where is male?

1831 posts
Phil Martin has been keeping a close watch on the nest. On APR 15 he wrote:

I visited the nest at 08:30 and there was no activity. Within a couple minutes the Eaglet flew in from the north. Orbited the area of the nest, then landed on the nest.
At 13:00 the Eaglet was on the long branch to the east of the nest (it appears to be her favorite perch). She was sharpening her beak on the branch while perching.
I did not see any adults today.

Phil again notes the absence of the male (Pride). He writes (APR 16):

Hi Ken, I was at the nest at 16:15. I observed the Adult Female and the Eagle perched on the same branch (difficult to see). I have not seen Pride in approximately a week.


Here is Philip Martin's photo, used with his permission:

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Re: APR 16: Eaglet and female present, but where is male?

97 posts
Hi. I’m going to visit the nest today for the first time. I lost directions! Can you please tell me where it is?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 17, 2018, at 2:41 PM, NewMexiKen [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Phil Martin has been keeping a close watch on the nest. On APR 15 he wrote:

I visited the nest at 08:30 and there was no activity. Within a couple minutes the Eaglet flew in from the north. Orbited the area of the nest, then landed on the nest.
At 13:00 the Eaglet was on the long branch to the east of the nest (it appears to be her favorite perch). She was sharpening her beak on the branch while perching.
I did not see any adults today.

Phil again notes the absence of the male (Pride). He writes (APR 16):

Hi Ken, I was at the nest at 16:15. I observed the Adult Female and the Eagle perched on the same branch (difficult to see). I have not seen Pride in approximately a week.


Here is Philip Martin's photo, used with his permission:

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Re: APR 16: Eaglet and female present, but where is male?

1831 posts

Sorry-- just getting to my mail. The nest is on south side of Pines Boulevard  midway between SW 208 & 209th Avenues. Park off pavement either off the right turn lane just east of 209th light or turn left at light and park on the south dead-end stub of 209th

Stand in median in front of big green sign "208th Avenue light." The nest lines up visually with the transformer on the power pole directly on the south side of the road.

Good luck and let us know what you see!

Ken Schneider

Ken and Mary Lou Schneider
Miramar, Florida and North Aurora, Illinois

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"Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli)
"I am at peace with everything when I can feel, hear, smell and see the amazing wonders that nature can provide." (Ryan Beaulieu, 1987-2005)
On 4/19/2018 9:29 AM, Stephanie5056 [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] wrote:
Hi. I’m going to visit the nest today for the first time. I lost directions! Can you please tell me where it is?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 17, 2018, at 2:41 PM, NewMexiKen [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Phil Martin has been keeping a close watch on the nest. On APR 15 he wrote:

I visited the nest at 08:30 and there was no activity. Within a couple minutes the Eaglet flew in from the north. Orbited the area of the nest, then landed on the nest.
At 13:00 the Eaglet was on the long branch to the east of the nest (it appears to be her favorite perch). She was sharpening her beak on the branch while perching.
I did not see any adults today.

Phil again notes the absence of the male (Pride). He writes (APR 16):

Hi Ken, I was at the nest at 16:15. I observed the Adult Female and the Eagle perched on the same branch (difficult to see). I have not seen Pride in approximately a week.


Here is Philip Martin's photo, used with his permission:

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To start a new topic under CURRENT 2017-2018 Observations of Pembroke Pines Bald Eagle Nest BO-002, email [hidden email]
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