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AUG 19:Spirit flying over west Miramar again

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AUG 19:Spirit flying over west Miramar again

1831 posts
For the second day in a row, we saw eagles on our morning walk. An adult flew over the unpaved portion of Miramar Parkway in west Miramar at about 7:10 AM, which is 15 minutes after sunrise. A juvenile eagle followed close behind. Both followed the usual course in a line from the nest area to the large (Lighthouse) lake in Sunset Lakes. Surely this was Spirit. She probably will not have time to wander north as she must still be gaining skills by hunting with the adult.

The adult was out over the lake but the juvenile flew close by. My shot of Spirit was foggy because I had stored the camera in an air conditioned room all night and forgot to wipe the condensation off the lens.