Adult Eagle at nest April 15 at 7:19 AM

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Adult Eagle at nest April 15 at 7:19 AM

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Eagle sighting
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 12:06:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: phillip martin

Hi Ken,
Mary and I were cycling on 4/15 at 7;19am and I thought I saw an eagle.  
Mary took a photo of the nest with her small camera.  I was looking at
the card today and it looks like that was the female.

Phil and Mary

Hi Phil and Mary,

Mary's photo did not forward with this note, but I agree that it looks like it is the female adult.

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Re: Adult Eagle at nest April 15 at 7:19 AM

april 20 around 6:45 P.M both adult eagle were roosting in the mameluca.