Adult at nest

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Adult at nest

This morning while photographing the sunrise at our home in Miramar, I saw an adult Bald Eagle fly over the lake in back of our home. This was at 6:50 AM, about 10 minutes before sunrise. The eagle was heading SE from the general direction of the PP nest, towards the large lake in Sunset Lakes subdivision.

We visited the nest at about 9:45 AM and saw one adult roosting on the nest support branch just to the right of the nest. The nest appears to have lost some mass and appears compacted, without evidence of new addition of materials. It is not unusual for adults to keep in territory and visit the nest during non-breeding season, but we should be alert for signs of the pair at nest together and signs of nest renovation.

Here is my sunrise image from this morning:

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Re: Adult at nest

Mike Fossler
Nice sunset Ken!
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Re: Adult at nest

Mike Fossler
Oops - nice sunrise!
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Re: Adult at nest

In reply to this post by Mike Fossler
Great Ken I am just wondering how the eagles and their nest fared in the storm
live your life don't watch it go by . . .