Adult eagle 1/12/2015 & 1/13/2015

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Adult eagle 1/12/2015 & 1/13/2015

Maria Rosa Drake

Yesterday and today I saw an adult eagle around 6:45am in the malelucas West of the nest. The interesting thing is that the eagle, on both days, was further West than where I have usually seen them. Actually, it was on a maleluca close to the blinking school light on the South side of Pines Blvd.

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Re: Adult eagle 1/12/2015 & 1/13/2015

I dropped by at 10:00 AM this morning (JAN 13) and found no eagles around at all. Then I returned at 11:30 and Pride was roosting in the usual spot on the roadside pine just to the east of the nest. No sign of any other eagles. He often looked up but I could see no reason for this. Sun was strong behind the eagle and I had to brighten these up quite a bit.