Adult eagles seen April 13 and 14

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Adult eagles seen April 13 and 14

Yesterday morning (April 13) at 7:20 AM while birding along SW 196th/Miramar Parkway right of way, I saw an adult eagle flying SE from the nest area towards the large lake in Sunset Lakes.

This morning at 7:37 AM I received this note about another sighting:

Just wanted to let you know - Driving to work this morning and saw an adult on a maleluca tree west of the nest.  I made a u-turn to verify and it was an adult.  I always look for them coming and going to work as I travel US 27 and Pines.
Johnnye J.

It would be great if we saw one carrying prey, but I think that is expecting too much.
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Re: Adult eagles seen April 13 and 14

Barry Heimlich
This good sign that eagles have not abandoned nest and will return next year to nest again.