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Adult & eaglet at nest

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Adult & eaglet at nest

53 posts
Stopped at the nest at 12:30. Adult and eaglet were perched on separate small branches coming off the larger one on they have been using this season towards Pines Blvd. at the nest. The adult was just above the eaglet. Minor pruning but not much else until the eaglet started calling. She kept calling and calling and then starting moving around the nest with short "floats". Not sure what to call it. She seemed anxious, perhaps hungry. Finally she fluttered up and on top of the adult's back so the adult flew away and she perched where the adult had been. The adult flew to the pine tree next to the sidewalk next to Pines Blvd.where they often perch. After just a couple minutes the adult flew back the the pine next to the nest tree. The eaglet kept calling and complaining until finally she, the eagle, fluttered/flew over to the adult's tree. She did not seem steady when she landed and had her wings half out on the branch as if she was using them to steady and support herself. She was calling as if she was screaming for help. If was unsettling for me as I am not an expert and am not real familiar with behavior when eaglets are learning to fly. The adult hoped down to a branch so his talons were even with the eaglets head as if for comfort and support. The eaglet finally got steady on the branch and kept calling. The adult eventually flew away to the south and I wonder if not to find food. The eaglet seemed to slide/walk/hop to the inter part of the tree where it was less windy. It is pretty windy today which also caused concern as I don't know how long the eaglet has been trying to fly or maybe already has. From what I saw today, I wouldn't think she knew how to fly but I have been by the nest on other day and didn't see her. Maybe she just wasn't visible on those days. I left just after 1:00.