Anyone going to the nest area tomorrow, Sat. 12-11?

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Anyone going to the nest area tomorrow, Sat. 12-11?

Jill W
If anyone is going in the morning, I may go.  I don't think I've seen a single fellow nest watcher there this season.  I cannot go in the afternoon as I'm going to be on a boat for the parade (Winterfest) tomorrow night and they (the Seminoles) get things going early.

I do want to get to the nest area either tomorrow or Sunday to see what's going on, if anything.  Would love to see a familiar face and not be there alone for a change.

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Re: Anyone going to the nest area tomorrow, Sat. 12-11?

Jill I can try to go early sunday morning say around 9am and stay till 930.  Will confirm here Saturday night.

live your life don't watch it go by . . .
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Re: Anyone going to the nest area tomorrow, Sat. 12-11?

Jill W
Ok, great Kathy!

I'll wait to see what your update is.
