April 1 -- 10:15 to 10:45 AM no eagles at nest

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April 1 -- 10:15 to 10:45 AM no eagles at nest

We observed for about a half hour around 10:30 AM this morning and did not see or hear any eagles. I checked the trees from the corner of 208th Avenue to the dead melaleucas north of 209th to no avail. I thought I might be hearing a distant bleating call of an eaglet, but as I got closer it was either a Red-shouldered Hawk or a Blue Jay imitating one. Likewise, I put the binoculars on any flying bird to be sure it was not something other than a vulture. It was probably wishful thinking. I did get photos of a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks on the light standard at Pines & 209th, and a pair of Red-bellied Woodpeckers near 208th.

In past years we have documented the eaglet(s) returning to the nest or vicinity of the nest tree to feed and/or roost multiple times after fledging (sometimes disappearing for the first 2-4 days). These visits were recorded within an interval of 32 to 59 days after fledging. Therefore it is important to record even negative observations here so that the spreadsheet is as complete as possible.