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April 23, 7:58am - 10:30am

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April 23, 7:58am - 10:30am

Ed Mattis
14 posts
When I arrived the nest was empty. There was one Eaglet sitting well above the nest and one, just visible through the trees, well below the nest. At 8:23 am the Eglet above the nest flapped it's wings and looked to fall off the branch, gaining control and flying somwhere behind the tree. It never got higher then the tree so I could not see where it landed. At around 9:30am the lower Eaglet crept up the branches of the  melaleuca tree it was on until it was out of sight. That was the end of activity while I was there. No adults were seen.

EdAbove NestBelow nestFlappingFalling
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Re: April 23, 7:58am - 10:30am

285 posts
This post was updated on Apr 24, 2010; 9:04pm.
Great pictures, Ed! The eaglet trying to fly looks really unsure, and in the last shot it looks like it's falling! I hope everything is ok and this is just normal trial and error learning how to fly! Last year both eaglets  would usually be back in the nest (or perched in the nest tree or close) by dark each day.