Kelly Smith, 7th Grade Science teacher at Silver Trail Middle School, followed up with this e-mail to me, with an interesting suggestion:
Great! It seems like progress is being made. At least we have someone with the city who is aware of the nest.
I was wondering what Brian's [referring to Brian Mealey, the eagle researcher] impressions of the nest were? Did he think he'd be able to put a radio on this pair's offspring? I looked at his website today < >and it seemed that the eaglet NBC6 may be out of the picture - no transmisisons for some time. Maybe NBC6, the news station, would be interested in sponsoring this nest, especially since it is located so close to their offices in Miramar.
= = = = =
Hi, Kelly--
Brian thought it would be possible to put a transmitter on an eaglet in the PP nest. He said they would need to use climbing gear, and that it was quite high up. He was looking for a major branch that was higher than the nest. He said one was there. They shoot a small line up and then pull up a rope. They would not have to bring in a cherry picker that would need a road right up to the nest, but the nest is too high for one, anyway.
Good point about NBC6. I just e-mailed them for their information (marketing dept as well as community news and Web services), with a link to the eagle web page.