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Bald Eagle Spending the night in Oakland Park

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Bald Eagle Spending the night in Oakland Park

1 post
I live in Oakland Park, East of 95. I have a substantial lot along the water with an over abundant amount of wildlife. There are several hawks and owls that fly about but for the last three nights there has been a bald eagle perched atop a dead branch of an Australian pine in my neighbors yard. it has remained there from dusk until dawn even in the rain. It is a magnificent bird and a privilege to be able to look up and so clearly see. I know there are eagles in the everglades and south Florida but I never expected to see one in such a developed area. I am just thrilled to see it.
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Re: Bald Eagle Spending the night in Oakland Park

1831 posts
Thanks for the report, Victor. Do keep an eye on its habits, and see if there may be a mate around. As their population increases and there is a shortage of suitable habitat in the wild lands, we will surely see more and more Bald Eagles taking up residence in urbanized areas. Look for signs of nesting, such as an eagle carrying sticks. Please keep us all informed, as we are still waiting for a second nest to be discovered in urban Broward County.
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Re: Bald Eagle Spending the night in Oakland Park

Jill W
222 posts
Thanks, Victor!  Would you mind telling me the general area in Oakland Park?  I live so close (I'm right on the river that separates Wilton Manors and Ft. Lauderdale) and would love to drive around the Oakland Park area a little to see if I can spot any Bald Eagle activity.
If you would prefer to e-mail me the area, my address is (please leave out the * symbols in it)  jaw*123*@netscape.com.
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Re: Bald Eagle Spending the night in Oakland Park

Carolyn J
7 posts
In reply to this post by Victor
There's nothing quite like the sight of our National bird, is there? You never stop feeling the sense of awe, no matter how many times you are fortunate enough to see one.
Thanks for posting about it.
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Re: Bald Eagle Spending the night in Oakland Park

lisa baumbach
2 posts
In reply to this post by Victor

Please try to keep track of this sighting- we have so few urban wilderness areas left in the county- I am on the Broward County urban wilderness board and we should protect this site if it is not already on the county inventory-

here is my e-amil if oyu wnat to get in touch with me separately: lbaumbac@med.miami.edu

good luck!

Broward County Audubon Society