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Bald Eagles, Pembroke Pines, March 13, 2010

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Bald Eagles, Pembroke Pines, March 13, 2010

26 posts
Three (3) young bald eagles continue to grow with noticeable changes since last weekend.  Observed young with both parents taking turns on nest 7:30-8:30am.  Osprey flew near area numerous times and eventually one parent moved to perch above nest.

A few photos taken Saturday, March 13th are below and more taken 6-13th are at below link:

One eaglet often seems more dominant than other 2 (not sure if it's always the same one though?):
3 young eaglets watching parent arriving to nest.
Parent arriving nest with 3 eaglets viewing.

Eagle parent leaving nest.Eagle parent with 3 young.
Eagle in flight.
Ealge in flight.