Bald Eagles back in Pembroke Pines 2011!!!

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Bald Eagles back in Pembroke Pines 2011!!!

Sarafaith Pekor
I live a few blocks east of the nesting site in Pembroke Pines on a lake in the Chapel Okas subdivision. Today (Monday, March 7th) I went out my back door and was practically strafed by a male bald eagle who was chasing down a seagull!! The two birds circled frantically overhead for a few minutes with the Eagle trying to snatch the gull out of the air - at a certain point, they banked west and flew out of sight! It was just ELECTRIFYING! THEY'RE BACK!!!! Very excited to report that the Eagles are back!!!
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Re: Bald Eagles back in Pembroke Pines 2011!!!

Mike Fossler
The eagles are back and have hatched two eaglets this year which are over a month old now. You can follow the progress reports posted by other viewers in the Sub-Catagory "CURRENT 2010-2011 SEASON DAILY NEST OBSERVATIONS & PHOTOS" which appears at the top of the forum where you posted this. All the observations from this year have been posted in this Sub-Catagory folder. Enjoy! MF