We visited the nest from about 10:40 to 11:00 AM this morning. Phil M had seen the male earlier but it had just flown away. The female appeared on the nest almost immediately, then flew to the slender top of an Australian Pine just to the west of the nest.

The wind was blowing briskly and she had trouble balancing and returned to the nest, where she rearranged some sticks. Within a minute or so the male flew in and joined her on the nest.

The female tried to move a stick but the male was standing on it.

He finally got the idea and help her reposition the stick.

They posed nicely, then began eating some prey. The male may have just brought it to the nest.

The female flew off to the west, and then the male prepared to follow her.

The female roosted on one of the dead melaleucas to the west.

The male joined her on a nearby snag. It was easy to see that he was smaller and more slender than the female.