Since publication of the Miami Herald article this morning, we can expect many more people to be visiting the Bald Eagle nest site. This presents a unique opportunity for eagle lovers to share their knowledge of the birds and also impart a conservation ethic. Importantly, observers must be aware that the eagles can be unduly disturbed by unnecessary noise and movement.
Importantly, visitors must be asked not to stop in the traffic lanes, and to park legally on the grassy swale, well away from the edge of the paved road. Children must be asked not to run around in front of the nest area. All this must be done politely and with understanding, but public safety must be stressed. For the next few days, we ask you to volunteer to monitor the site. A high level of knowledge about the birds is not necessary, but you should exhibit your concern for the welfare of the birds and welcome new observers, many of whom have never seen a Bald Eagle in the wild. Our Web suite summarizes the history of this nest and also contains links to a wealth of information about the life history of the Bald Eagle. Please volunteer by placing your name (or nickname) in the subject line and post it as a "New Topic." That way others can see the times that require coverage by a volunteer. Suggested hours of coverage are 9:30 AM until 3:00 PM. Help is especially needed on weekends until the eagles fledge, which should be in early April. I will post my volunteer time as an example. Thanks. Ken
Ken Schneider
Web site: Blog: Photos: <> |
I will be happy volunteer and try to keep things as calm as possible around the nest area. I plan to be there Tuesday morning.
I live right around the corner and have stopped by many times with my son. Its a shame that they would put this on the news and jeopardize their safety. I will definately do my part in keeping them safe. I will be there this afternoon
In reply to this post by Trisha
Trish, it was nice meeting you this morning. Thanks so much for offering
to be there to assist visitors. We will return later on Wednesday afternoon. Mary Lou and Ken -- Ken Schneider Miramar, Florida & North Aurora, Illinois Web site: Eagle Nest: Blog: Photos: "Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli)
Ken Schneider
Web site: Blog: Photos: <> |
In reply to this post by Milaidy
Thanks so much, Milady! We will be away until late Wednesday afternoon.
FYI, just provide friendly assistance and point out any safety hazards, such as stopping or parking on the pavement, or not controlling children. If you need non-emergency assistance, the Police Department wishes to be called at 954-431-2200. Mary Lou and Ken Ken Schneider Miramar, Florida & North Aurora, Illinois Web site: Eagle Nest: Blog: Photos: "Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli) Milaidy (via Nabble) - No Reply wrote: > I live right around the corner and have stopped by many times with my > son. Its a shame that they would put this on the news and jeopardize > their safety. I will definately do my part in keeping them safe. I > will be there this afternoon > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > View message @ > > > To start a new topic under Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida, > email [hidden email] > To unsubscribe from Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida, click here > <>. > >
Ken Schneider
Web site: Blog: Photos: <> |
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
It was wonderful meeting you and your wife this morning. I think what you are doing to protect these magnificent eagles is amazing and extremely commendable. Thanks for giving us the preferred police number, although hopefully all the visitors will continue to put safety first....for themselves as well as the eagles.
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