Channel 11 will have live coverage Monday 6 AM - 9 AM

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Channel 11 will have live coverage Monday 6 AM - 9 AM

You may wish to set your DVR, as Channel 11/39 will be providing live feed to the morning news program from 6 AM until 9:00.

They said they will not reveal the exact location of the nest (as if no one will notice the remote satellite feed truck at rush hour in front of the high school!

I guess it can't be helped, but we must expect increasing numbers of observers. Hope it does not turn into another circus!
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Re: Channel 11 will have live coverage Monday 6 AM - 9 AM

Ken is this the morning show on channel 11?
live your life don't watch it go by . . .
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Re: Channel 11 will have live coverage Monday 6 AM - 9 AM

Yes, but the rain may have caused them to delay/cancel the live broadcast from the nest site-- I will post if I hear anything more.
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Re: Channel 11 will have live coverage Monday 6 AM - 9 AM

I set the DVR for channel 9 (actually named channel 39) here in Weston on Advanced cable. So far I haven't seen anything about the eagles (but haven't seen every minute). There is a morning show during that period with news, weather, features, etc.