Eagle Nesting

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Eagle Nesting

New Years Eve--

I arrived about 4:45pm today finding one of the eagles nesting.  The adult was low in the nest and after about 15 minutes popped up and peered down below.  After moving around a bit with the head down in the nest, the eagle resettled facing south with only tail feathers appearing.  I snapped a few pics, but mostly obstructed by the nest itself.  I’m looking forward to the new season with this pair, they feel like close members of our growing Pembroke Pines family.  jim

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Re: Eagle Nesting

Nice report, and excellent sharp photos, Jim.

To the right of the nest is what appears to be the wing of a prey species. Does anyone recognize what kind of bird it came from? I'm guessing it could be an immature White Ibis, but it is quite gray, almost the color of a Great Blue Heron.

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Re: Eagle Nesting

Great report and wonderful photos of the incubation!  Thanks so much for sharing them!  

The only other bird I can think of Ken is a light colored pigeon....but the wing may appear too big to be that bird. I think your guess is good and we've seen them bring all white birds to the nest before...either Ibis or Cattle Egrets.