Eagle flying from nest area to Sunset Lakes this morning

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Eagle flying from nest area to Sunset Lakes this morning

Around sunrise this morning Mary Lou and I saw one adult Bald Eagle flying SE from the area of the Pembroke Pines nest towards the large lake in the Sunset Lakes subdivision. It was pretty far away, so this was the best shot i could get.

I also got photos of an 8-point White-tailed Deer buck. I added an artistic effect to this portrait:

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Re: Eagle flying from nest area to Sunset Lakes this morning

Mike Fossler
Great to see eagles around!

Where'd you get that deer picture? MF
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Re: Eagle flying from nest area to Sunset Lakes this morning

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Here is a more conventional shot of the buck. I should have mentioned that these photos of the deer and eagle were taken on the unpaved portion of SW 196th Avenue about halfway between Miramar Parkway and Pembroke Road.