Eagle on the nest - 4:00 to 5:00pm

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Eagle on the nest - 4:00 to 5:00pm

Mike Fossler
I went by this afternoon just when the weather began to show signs of improvement. Found brown-tip sitting in the dead tree strand alone. After a while he flew off to the west then south. Over at the nest it looked like there was nothing there, but upon close observation the female was down low in the nest. After a while, the male brought food which they both shared. He left, but the female returned to the low crouching in the nest. Looks as though there may be an egg - what do you think, Ken? MF

Brown-tipFemale low in nest
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Re: Eagle on the nest - 4:00 to 5:00pm

We did not see her down so low in the nest yesterday, and she did not stay. This is how she looked last year on the day we presumed the eggs were laid.

If one of the adults (usually the female) is almost always on the nest from this point on, I would regard today (December 18) as day #1 of incubation.

Let's just see!

Thanks, Mike!