Eagle seen flying to Sunset Lakes

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Eagle seen flying to Sunset Lakes

Twice during the past week, at about dawn, while birding the area about a mile SE of the nest, Mary Lou and I have seen an adult Bald Eagle flying directly from the nest location to the large (west) lake in the Sunset Lakes subdivision. In past years a pair has been seen roosting on the lighthouse in the island in this lake. This is very likely a foraging area for the Pembroke Pines eagles.

The photo is a bit soft, as it was taken only about 10 minutes after sunrise this morning at f/5.6. ISO 6400, shutter speed 1/2000 second.

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Re: Eagle seen flying to Sunset Lakes

Jill W
I think the photo is great, Ken!

Right after Nancy emailed me about the locations for parking, etc., I saw your post to Erica and I sent the link on to Nancy.  It made it very clear about what she wanted to know.
