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Eagle sighted in Weston JULY 4

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Eagle sighted in Weston JULY 4

1831 posts
Elizabeth sent this e-mail. She is now a Member of this FORUM and may reply directly to this post.

I know that there have been summer sightings of adult eagles near the Pembroke Pines nest and all along US 27 north to Weston, but do not recall other reports with exact locations. As this is not breeding season we may expect the adults to wander in the general locality of their nest territories, and even migrate further north.

We have generally presumed that the Weston sightings represented locally breeding birds. However with the increase in their population attributable to 7 years of successfully raising their young in Pembroke Pines, there well may be a number of new adults present. It will be important to look for signs that they may be starting new nests locally when such activity begins in the fall.

Juveniles have rarely been reported here during the summer. They presumably tend to migrate much more to the north into the Carolinas and probably the Chesapeake Bay area. At least one juvenile from Palm Beach County was tracked into New England and may have entered Canada near the Maine border.

A question for Elizabeth, who has experience identifying Bad Eagles is for her to clarify whether this eagle was in adult plumage.


Bald Eagle Sighting


Today 7/4/2015 at about 6:30 pm I saw a bald eagle in Weston. I live in Pembroke Pines but have never seen one in Pines even though I know there's a nest off Pines Blvd.

I have seen bald eagles many times through the years in Washington and Oregon states so I know this was a bald eagle. It was on a tall light pole along Weston Road north of Indian trace. So I was wondering about the bird I saw in Weston and where it may have come from.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks. Elizabeth.
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Re: Eagle sighted in Weston JULY 4

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Hi Ken,

It was an adult bald eagle, not a juvenile.  The head was completely white and the entire body and wings dark brown.  It was a very large eagle.  I only had my iphone with me and didn't think I could get a good picture.  Thanks for all the info about their range.  My sister lives in the Weston area so I'm there pretty frequently and I'll keep an eye out in the future.  I really wasn't expecting to see an eagle, so it was pretty exciting.  It's so common place in the Western US -- I see them all the time out there when I visit.  But it feels pretty special to see one in South FL.  Again, thanks for the info.


On Sunday, July 5, 2015, NewMexiKen [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Elizabeth sent this e-mail. She is now a Member of this FORUM and may reply directly to this post.

I know that there have been summer sightings of adult eagles near the Pembroke Pines nest and all along US 27 north to Weston, but do not recall other reports with exact locations. As this is not breeding season we may expect the adults to wander in the general locality of their nest territories, and even migrate further north.

We have generally presumed that the Weston sightings represented locally breeding birds. However with the increase in their population attributable to 7 years of successfully raising their young in Pembroke Pines, there well may be a number of new adults present. It will be important to look for signs that they may be starting new nests locally when such activity begins in the fall.

Juveniles have rarely been reported here during the summer. They presumably tend to migrate much more to the north into the Carolinas and probably the Chesapeake Bay area. At least one juvenile from Palm Beach County was tracked into New England and may have entered Canada near the Maine border.

A question for Elizabeth, who has experience identifying Bad Eagles is for her to clarify whether this eagle was in adult plumage.


Bald Eagle Sighting


Today 7/4/2015 at about 6:30 pm I saw a bald eagle in Weston. I live in Pembroke Pines but have never seen one in Pines even though I know there's a nest off Pines Blvd.

I have seen bald eagles many times through the years in Washington and Oregon states so I know this was a bald eagle. It was on a tall light pole along Weston Road north of Indian trace. So I was wondering about the bird I saw in Weston and where it may have come from.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks. Elizabeth.
Ken Schneider
Web site: http://rosyfinch.com
Blog: http://rosy-finch.blogspot.com


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