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Eagles at the Nest Friday 2/5:15 PM

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Eagles at the Nest Friday 2/5:15 PM

23 posts
Both eagles were on the nest as I was coming down the road, once I got to the nest I saw only one, here is a picture, maybe someone can identify if is the male or female?Friday
I also saw them last Saturday morning and afternoon.Last Saturday
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Re: Eagles at the Nest Friday 2/5:15 PM

Lisa G
158 posts
Wow!! Great pictures Luis :) It looks like Jewel on the Dead tree & Pride in the Tree with the nest . The one sure way to tell them apart is Jewel still has Brown spots on the lower tip of her feather they are not pure white like Prides .

UPDATE !!!!    We are pleased to announce that we are now South Florida Pines Eagle Nest , Inc. a 501 C (3)  as of November 18, 2015 Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)  Employer Identification Number : 4-3116409 DLN: 26053716001635  . Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 501 (c) (3)  If you have Donated in the last 27 months your Donation  is Tax Deductible ..

Thank you!! If anyone has questions please feel free send an email to ag2761@comcast.net