I joined a student, and her dad, from Ms. Kelly Smith’s 7th Grade Science class, Silver Trail Middle School to watch the eagles this morning. Arriving near 9am, the new 9am, the birds were apparently unaware of the time change and continued about their normal routine. One parent was perched in the usual location a couple hundred yards west of the nest, and 3 young were visible resting with heads just showing. Around 10-10:30am parent surprised young returning to nest with food. Yesterday during one visit, all three young became visibly, and one audibly, active while looking in parent’s arrival direction. All parent trip “leavings and returns” were from the south.
Young where left to feed by themselves, parent did not spend much time tearing apart food.
One of the shots below shows prey in parent's claws, but unable to determine type. The prey portion has been enlarged for your inspection. Maybe a bird with white lower head/throat coloring?
1) 3 young just peeking over nest, 2) Parent returning to nest with food
3) Prey enlarged, 4) Parent on nest with young at feeding
5) Young watch as parent leaves nest, 6) Young feed alone, with one showing food
7) 3 young in nest, 8) Youngs' wing span are growing
(More pictures at: 1)
http://hartmanimpressions.com/Wildlife or 2) slide show
jim hartman