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Eagles on nest

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Eagles on nest

22 posts
Sunday 2/14/16  Both of the eagles were on the nest today from around 1:00 to 3:00 Pm
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Re: Eagles on nest

1831 posts
It is not unusual for the eagles to remain in territory during the normal breeding season. Around now would be the time when eaglets would be growing rapidly and require much food. I wonder if they instinctively continue to bring food to the nest even if is not occupied by young.  

Last season, even though the pair failed to breed, they persisted at the nest into mid-May.

Excellent photos!
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Re: Eagles on nest

22 posts
I  confess  my knowledge on Eagles is limited, but I'll work on that.  They are Majestic and awe inspiring and I love watching them.  Wile I was out there on Sunday it appeared to me that the Eagle that stayed on the nest, and one of them was there at all times, was looking down and seemed to be arranging things and then sitting again.  Is  it totally out of the range of possibility that they have eggs incubating in there???  
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Re: Eagles on nest

1831 posts
Thanks for your observation, Kathy!

Since eagles are biologic creatures, anything is possible. Generally they do not lay a second clutch of eggs unless they lose them very early during incubation. It is now so late in the natural breeding cycle for our local eagles that the chance for successfully hatching and raising a second brood would probably be remote. Everyone should keep a watchful eye on their behavior. Is one member of the pair deep on the nest at all times?

Last season we wondered whether Jewel may have deposited one or more eggs but lacked the brooding instinct because she was so young. Pride spent quite a bit of time sitting on the nest. Even if there were viable eggs it is quite impossible for one adult to adequately incubate them. The male develops a brood patch but it is not as large as that of the female, making it all the more difficult to properly cover the eggs.
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Re: Eagles on nest

22 posts

Hi in this picture you can see that she or he is down in the nest.  When we first got out there you could hardly see her she just put her head up for a second.  Have a great evening, Kathy
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Re: Eagles on nest

1831 posts
Hi, Kathy-- again nice photo of the adult on the nest.

That appears to be the male, Pride, based upon the configuration of the bill and forehead, nearly in a straight line. Jewel tends to have a more sloping forehead. However, they can erect and flatten their feathers to sometimes make it difficult to distinguish between them.

Last season Pride often sat on the nest. Early on we felt he was trying to entice Jewel to come to the nest, as he also brought offerings of food. Then we wondered if he was trying to incubate one or more eggs which Jewel had neglected.

Jewel was very faithful at her incubation duties this season, right up to and for a few days after the storm caused the branch to land on the nest. I hope we get additional reports to help us understand how persistently either of the pair are sitting deep in the nest.

The right side of the nest is now more visible, either because many of the needles have fallen off the branch or the eagles have moved it somewhat.
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Re: Eagles on nest

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In reply to this post by Kathybaker
Thanks for the info, and Ill keep watching simply because I love it.(:  Can you  suggest  a good book so I can educate my self on these beautiful Birds. Thanks for your replies I appreciate it.  You know us newbies get carried away sometimes
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Re: Eagles on nest

1831 posts
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Re: Eagles on nest

22 posts
Thank you
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Re: Eagles on nest

Lisa G
158 posts
Wow!! Kathy Nice update and Beautiful Pictures :)

UPDATE !!!!    We are pleased to announce that we are now South Florida Pines Eagle Nest , Inc. a 501 C (3)  as of November 18, 2015 Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)  Employer Identification Number : 4-3116409 DLN: 26053716001635  . Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 501 (c) (3)  If you have Donated in the last 27 months your Donation  is Tax Deductible ..

Thank you!! If anyone has questions please feel free send an email to ag2761@comcast.net