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Jill W
222 posts
This post was updated on Jan 04, 2016; 3:10pm.
Great pictures, Ken!  (as always)

I'm living in Melbourne now, but I still own a condo in Ft. Lauderdale so we get down there now and then.

There is an active eagle nest about 15 blocks away from our house.  Last year we went there a lot to see them.  We haven't gone this year because we both have new cars,  The road to get to the nest area is not paved and is not maintained so there are lots of overgrown weeds.  
we could walk there from the paved road closest to it as it would probably be only about 7 minutes, but we both have bad backs and to carry binocs, cameras, tripod, etc. would not be easy,  Wish we had a clunker car to use to get there.

I'm happy that the PP family seem to be doing quite well.

Added after I saw my post--I don't understand why my post was not placed under yours, Ken.???

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