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Empty nest and no eagles 9:00-10:00 AM SUN APR 6

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Empty nest and no eagles 9:00-10:00 AM SUN APR 6

1831 posts
This morning, before sunrise, I was out on the wetlands about a mile SE of the nest. At 7:25 AM I was taking this iPhone photo as the fog was lifting off the Harbour Lakes Estates wetlands. I saw an eagle flying from the direction of the nest to the large lake in Sunset Lakes. It appears as a tiny black speck, barely visible in the sky, right of center:

Harbour Lakes mitigation wetlands eagle flying over 20140406

My telephoto lens brought it into better view:

Bald Eagle 20140406

The younger eaglet (Glory) fledged yesterday. This morning I watched the nest from 9:00 AM to a little after 10:00 AM. The nest was empty and neither eaglets nor adult eagles were in sight. I listened for calls but heard none. Let's keep waiting patiently to see if the eaglets return to the nest.
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Re: Empty nest and no eagles 9:00-10:00 AM SUN APR 6

Lisa G
158 posts
As I stated on Pride & Joy Facebook page we went to the nest today , we were there for a few hours and No Little Eaglets but Pride & Joy were there I did hear any other Eagles there .. Pride was in a Tree not to far from the nest and Joy was in her Favorite Tree they were enjoying the peaceful time and enjoying the Sun . I was not happy to see that 3 people came up and I asked them not to go beyond the cones and not to stand in the road and they could careless about the sign that was up or the law .. Very up setting that people can not obey the law .They got very rude with me and my husband so I just let them be because all they care about if what they want if they really cared about the Eagles they would obey they laws to protect then .

UPDATE !!!!    We are pleased to announce that we are now South Florida Pines Eagle Nest , Inc. a 501 C (3)  as of November 18, 2015 Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)  Employer Identification Number : 4-3116409 DLN: 26053716001635  . Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 501 (c) (3)  If you have Donated in the last 27 months your Donation  is Tax Deductible ..

Thank you!! If anyone has questions please feel free send an email to ag2761@comcast.net
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Re: Empty nest and no eagles 9:00-10:00 AM SUN APR 6

1831 posts
I received a late report that on Saturday two young men in their 20s walked back into the woods, white Accord, FL Palm Beach County orange plate, tag #A920UE. Keep an eye out-- if anyone enters into the FENCED area in front of the nest, call the police, as they are subject to arrest.

The police must actually see the offender, so it does no good to report this incident after the fact, but if you see this car again at the site do be extra vigilant. The eaglets are easily frightened if someone approaches them, as they are no acclimated to human presence as much as the adults. Suggest you don't bother the police about people on the sidewalk. They will ask them to leave but so far I don't think they have handed out any tickets except for illegal parking.

Technically, all on the land north of the fence-- the sidewalk up to the road shoulder and Pines Boulevard is an "existing disturbance" and entering that posted area would not violate Federal (USF&W) or State (FWC) guidelines. However, in the interest of public safety and also further protecting the nest, the City has enforcement power over this area and their authority should be respected.

FYI, the SFWMD land to the west of SW 109th Avenue, including the melaleuca snags, is not City property and there is no prohibition against entry-- just no firearms, no campfires, no motorized vehicles and no camping. Of course it is possible for someone to sneak into the protected area from there, so be alert if you suspect someone is doing this but do not call the police unless they actually are located inside the protected area.